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Owlthorpe Fields Conservation Group



Using a widely used and popular app called iNaturalist we created a project specifically for the area ‘Owlthorpe Fields’ and set about recording everything we see.  Please explore our project 'Owlthorpe Fields' so you can see the level of biodiversity in our environment. 

We would love as many of you as possible to join our project.  By recording your local observations on the iNaturalist app and joining our project the records will be submitted to the Biological Records Centre (BRC) and the NBN Trust.

Take a look at our iNaturalist project here

iNaturalist UK is a partnership between the National Biodiversity Network Trust (NBN), the Marine Biological Association (MBA) and the Biological Records Centre (BRC).  You can download the app on Google Play store or App store. 

Add your records to our project to help ensure the Local Wildlife Site and Local Green Space designations remain in place for many years to come.

Click here for the iNaturalist website

Flora & fauna found on site

Click the arrows for the next picture

Click on the picture for full screen versions 






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